The White House and The Wharf
I was lucky, along with my wife and Casey, to get a tour of the West Wing of the White House. I was awestruck by the stuff we saw, the stuff I imagined, and the stories we heard. Like Casey I couldn’t keep my eyes off the “jumbos” (large framed prints) of up-to-the-week moments in the current administration, to the point of wandering into areas that are less than public and probably missing other interesting things. Yes, I’m sure we could have seen the same photos on the White House Flickr stream, but there’s something about seeing them on the walls in the actual White House. Also, I got a kick out of seeing Helen Thomas‘s seat in the press room, and the Oval Office is smaller than you’d imagine, but more impressive.
Then, to The Wharf for an entirely different experience. The food was good and cheap, the atmosphere was great, and the weather was perfect. It was nice to see such a variety of people hanging out, and I got to check off another item off my list of DC things I really should have done by now.