Patience & Preparation

Sometimes I can spend hours trying to make one photo and, like yesterday, not quite get what I want. Other times, I just need to be prepared when the right moment comes along, like at this Dismemberment Plan show in Fredericksburg this summer.
Happy Halloween 2012

Just in case Hurricane Sandy knocks out my power between now and then, everyone have a great Halloween!
UVA Football II

It’s hard to believe that it had been three years since I last went to a UVA football game, and I hope to not wait so long for the next one. I managed to get seats on the 50 yard line, albeit almost as high as you can go at Scott Stadium. This was a […]
Anna & Jym: Married!

Buckle up, because this is my longest post to date. And why shouldn’t it be? Anna and Jym had such a wonderful wedding and I had such a great time shooting and preparing these photos that I want to share as much with everyone as I can, while still hoping that you’ll make it all […]
Flag Day

In honor of flag day, my favorite photos of the flag from my blog. Turns out, it comes up kind of a lot. From Memorial Day Weekend in Fredericksburg: From Independence Day in Fredericksburg: From Wounded EOD Warrior Polar Bear Plunge 2011: From The White House and The Wharf: And […]
Memorial Day Weekend in Fredericksburg

On Saturday, local Boy and Girl Scouts lit a luminary for each of the 15,300 soldiers buried in the Fredericksburg National Cemetery. I can’t possibly convey the staggering effect of seeing this in person, but I hope these photos give you some idea.
Springtime in DC

I was in DC over the weekend for a job that I’ll share here soon, and we wrapped up just in time for me to catch the sun setting over the Tidal Basin. In honor of the first day of spring and the 100th anniversary of the gift of the cherry trees from Japan, here’s […]
Jym & Anna: Engaged!

I had the pleasure of joining my friends Jym and Anna for a fun engagement session starting at their house in downtown Fredericksburg and continuing at the amazing farm where they’ll be married in June. Along the way we had faux seriousness, genuine goofiness, and a pitchfork. I can’t wait to be back for the wedding!