I finally found a good technical solution to let me continue to blog here on my online home and share my work on Tumblr, where I’m hoping to keep up with friends and fans who might not be into Facebook. Is Tumblr your thing? Come on by! Or stick around, if you’re reading this on […]
Rodanthe Pier and Blood Orange at FCCA

Happy Friday! Two of my pieces will be at FCCA for their June juried exhibition, which opens tonight at 6PM. I hope you can make it to what is sure to be another great FCCA show, but in case you can’t, here they are: Rodanthe Pier Blood Orange If I make it there, it’ll be […]
Arts in the Park 2012

Lecky Photography Presents: Your Central Virginia Weekend Planner Saturday I am returning to the Arts in the Park show this weekend in Richmond’s Byrd Park, the scene of my inaugural art show one year ago. It’s a great show with a ton of great artists, and it looks like we’ll have some beautiful weather. So make your […]
Second Place for Raw Sugar!

My piece Raw Sugar was awarded second place at Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts‘s March national juried exhibition! You can stop by the gallery all month to see it, and of course prints are available in my online store. Thanks, FCCA!
My Tiniest Fundraiser

I am finally getting around to making official my little attempt to do some good with the above image. I took the photo at the 2009 presidential inauguration and have had it in my art collection since there was such a thing. I’m now pledging to give all profit from the image to DC Central Kitchen, […]
New Years Card Giveaway!
I’ve got about 10 extra New Years postcards. Get me your address and I’ll try to get you one! Visit my contact page to write me an email or even call!
Holiday Cards Now Available

New to my online store: holiday cards! I’ve turned two of my favorite holiday images into lovely folded cards and bundled them in packs of ten for all of your winter well-wishing needs! The 5×7 cards are blank on the inside, have subtle text on the back identifying the image and my website, and include […]
Holiday Shows

I’ve got three exciting shows coming up in December! The first is on Sunday the 4th at The Bankuet Place in Richmond, Virginia and put on by aRtVA. The second is the Rock & Shop Market on Saturday the 17th all the way at the Motorco Music Hall in Durham, North Carolina. I’ll have more […]
Fall Foliage Festival Wrap Up

This is probably old news to anyone who follows me on Facebook, but I was awarded Second Place Photographer at this past weekend’s Virginia Fall Foliage Festival Art Show in Waynesboro, VA. I’m still wrapping my brain around that, so I’ll just say it was wonderful and surprising. Beyond that, thanks to everyone involved for […]
New Art Prints: Two Sugars

Introducing: two new art prints! And they’re both about sugar! Raw Sugar Sugar Cube You have two ways to see them in person this weekend. First is this Friday at LibertyTown’s First Friday reception for their 6″x6″x6″ show. All of the pieces in this show fit in a 6″x6″x6″ space, frame and all. I created […]