RIFF 2010

I went to the Rappahannock Independent Film Festival a few Saturdays ago with my with my festival day pass and my camera, just hoping to see some films and some friends, and probably grab a few photos. But when Ian checked me in at the front desk and asked if I could fill a gap […]
Ice Cream

This is an ice cream musk melon; so named because, when cut in half and cleaned out, it’s the perfect size for a scoop of ice cream. We grew this melon from seed in our garden, along with many other fruits and vegetables that will get some attention here when I get a chance. For […]

Each Summer, I get to spend at least two days with great food and friends: Independence Day at my house (see: last year) and a Swedish Midsummer celebration at Casey‘s house. This year, the July 4th main course was made by Dixie Bones, and I couldn’t be happier about that. If you’re looking for photos […]
Snowbound in Charlottesville

Out of everything in a very eventful 2009, I’m most thankful for making it home alive from Blacksburg, Virginia during/after the recent storm that attempted to strand, smash, and throw my wife and me off a few mountains. We spent 7 terrible hours driving 120 miles with no physical or mental breaks until I finally […]
Family Portraits in Fredericksburg

I had the opportunity over the weekend to spend a beautiful afternoon at Fredericksburg’s Chatham Manor photographing Aaron and Mike’s family, including their two adorable children. The kids ranged from being good sports to hamming it up, I had a great time, and everyone enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather. I tried to pare down the […]
UVA Football

A good friend from college has season tickets for UVA football this year, but couldn’t make it to the opening game in Charlottesville this past weekend and I took his place. In the end it was a sad and frustrating loss that I won’t recount here, but it was great to be back in Charlottesville […]
The White House and The Wharf

I was lucky, along with my wife and Casey, to get a tour of the West Wing of the White House. I was awestruck by the stuff we saw, the stuff I imagined, and the stories we heard. Like Casey I couldn’t keep my eyes off the “jumbos” (large framed prints) of up-to-the-week moments in […]
Marin & Daniel

My friends Marin and Daniel were kind enough to invite me to their beautiful Dupont Circle condo for a combo cat/engagement session. I had a great time with the three of them and the weather was perfect. The only hiccup was when we tried to go to the roof of the Hay-Adams but apparently you […]